Friday, July 2, 2010

Asking is the beginning of receiving. Make sure you don't go to the ocean with a teaspoon. At least take a bucket so the kids won't laugh at you.~~Jim Rohn

I'm a huge quote buff.....I can usually rattle them off from movies, song lyrics, books--you name the topic, I can usually come up with something. Take the idea of new beginnings, for instance--you'd laugh at me if I told you just how long it took me to choose a quote to ponder for today. There are so many good ones out there, and all speak to me for different reasons.

The thought of beginning has been on my mind so often lately. Beginning a new facet of my career, beginning the 2nd half of 2010, beginning a new decade of life as I approach one of those 'milestone' birthdays.....beginnings are ripe; they are practically bursting with potential and 'what if's'; they are shiny, new, exciting and fresh. So very appealing for so many different reasons.

And at the same time, a bit scary. We are sometimes worried about the 'what if's'; worried that the unknown will be worse than what we are familiar with; worried that we will fail; worried that someone will know that we failed.

So today I challenge you to think of all the things you were guaranteed to not fail. If you could do anything--be anything--what would it be? For me it's not so much the occupation that matters but what I feel after spending time working. Exhilaration, excitement, accomplishment, contentment, you feel that way after an honest days' work?

If not, why not? How long is it ok to settle for just getting by? Don't you deserve to feel great, like you made a difference or contributed in some way? I understand that not everyone has the type of job that leads to warm fuzzy look at your hobbies, your interests outside of work, and see what fills you up. Take note of what makes you truly happy. Those are the activities that deserve your time and energy. Approach those with a bucket rather than a teaspoon and take in all that it offers. Revel in those feelings. Then repeat :)

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