I believe that’s what led me to where I am now. Through being a coach, and working with others who delight in helping others reach their dreams, I am allowed the great privlege of dipping my toe in the waters I normally wouldn’t be allowed to swim in. I will never pretend to be an expert in areas I am not (financial planning, insurance premiums, and transmission repair come to mind!) but I will honestly and emphatically tell you that I can help people in each of those professions find more enjoyment at work and balance in life if they are ready to take that step.
I firmly believe that sometimes we all need a swift kick in the rear to figure out what we really want, and that’s certainly true of me. As someone who values change for the sheer growth opportunity value of it, I found myself crying “Uncle!” not long ago when I became an unemployed single mother of three beautiful kids. I won’t lie and tell you that this road has been easy, but I’d be less than honest if I told you the experience was unneccesary. I’ve learned that we’re each where we are because we’ve put ourselves there…through our choices, through what we avoid, and by our thoughts.
The future is there for the taking, folks. I know that I’m grabbing on and riding till the end–are you ready to join me? ~Lisa Allen
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