How's it going? Do you remember those resolutions you wrote in January? Have you looked at them since? Go ahead....find them. I'll wait.
Good, you're back :) That list that was so shiny and full of promise all those months ago...how does it look now, when you read it? Are you well on your way to crossing some off the list and claiming victory? Or do you read then entries now and wonder what the heck you were thinking when you wrote them out? Do you feel exhilarated or defeated? Ready to go, or ready for a nap?
The good news is that you still have a full FIVE months to hit those targets. The bad news is you have to get moving....NOW!! No more waiting until the circumstances are just right, until you land just one more deal or finish one more thing. NOW! Even the longest, most arduous journey begins with one single step.
What is your step?
I'll share one of mine. A professional goal of mine for 2010 was to write a book. The experts say to write what you know, and what I know best right now is being a single mom. The book I've started is both contemplative and practical; I want single moms to know they're not alone when they feel stressed/happy/alone/at their wits end/etc. I also want them to have some very practical ways to make things a bit easier. Ultimately, my book will combine those two elements. I'm about half-way done, but I've stalled.
So, I'm looking at August as my one and only chance to cry "DO-OVER" and look at the project with fresh eyes. A few things I'm doing to make sure I keep my focus on the goal include carving out dedicated time every week to work on this project only, telling friends who will hold me accountable to my goals, and scheduling a fun 'reward' weekend that I can't enjoy until the book is done.
Now it's your turn--what's your first step? Do you need help to get there? What help do you need--time, money, a firm push, encouragement, fresh ideas? You can't find it if you don't identify it! So get busy...time's a tickin'!
FANTASTIC blog post Lisa! Great advice. Thank you for sharing it with us!