Sunday, October 31, 2010


Those of you who know me in 'real life' know that I'm in the dating, crazy, excruciating (no, I don't exaggerate!) and--today, anyway--instructional. I joke about my experiences a lot, but I got an email today, from someone I don't know of course, that talked about the foundations of a healthy relationship.

He talked about loyalty, trust, etc...not in terms of lofty, philosophical concepts but as the building blocks to something bigger. He talked about how little actions build upon each other to create a solid foundation, how whatever is built must be built on something stable in order to survive. Pretty smart guy right out of the gate.

And in addition to thinking about relationships, it made me think of my day to day routine. Am I wobbly sometimes because my foundation isn't strong? Do I follow my own advice of tackling the big 'things' first and letting the other stuff filter in where there's room? Do I plan for success or do I let the events of the day lead me around like an unruly child being pulled to the principal's office?

Yeah, so I'm not going to tell you the answer :)

What I did do, though, was put the a few touches on a daily calendar I've been working on for the past couple of weeks. The idea is simple: the day before, take a few minutes to plot out the next day. Not every minute, but the important stuff that will be left in the dust if we don't remind ourselves to just do it. So if you look over the left, there's a link that says November 1, 2010 under a Calendar tab.  Go ahead, click it. I'll wait.

Did it open for you? Good. Print it out. Fill it in. Don't edit yourself--write down the names of people you've been meaning to touch base with but haven't. Create your own list of daily must-do's that keep you sane, healthy and happy. Down at the bottom, list the stuff that you absolutely must do but in that far right column where it says "Dreams" make sure you remember your big picture goals and take one tiny step today to make the dream a reality. Just one.

I'm thinking of posting a new calendar every quote, new updated holidays, etc. Tell me if you'll use it, what you want it to include, what would rock your world. Would love to hear it!

Until then.....go build your foundation!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how I do love coming to visit you. So much inspiration!



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